Maria is licensed to practice acupuncture in the state of Minnesota and is a certified diplomate with the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). She earned her Masters Degree in Oriental Medicine (MSOM) from Southwest Acupuncture College in Boulder, Colorado where the professional degree program consists of 3092.5 hours in the five branches of oriental medicine: acupuncture, herbal medicine, physical therapy, nutrition and exercise/breathing therapy. The degree includes graduate level studies in Oriental medicine and Western science.
Following in her Grandfather’s footsteps, a pediatric physician, Maria became interested in medicine at a young age. She decided on a career in Oriental Medicine after experiencing and improvement in her own health through a combination of treatments from both Oriental and Western medicine.
Specializing in treating acute and chronic pain relief, sports injury, colds and allergies, women’s health, infertility, stress relief and emotional disorders. Maria has focused training in ob/gyn, fertility and women’s health. Maria’s skills were enhanced while she trained under renowned midwife and acupuncturist, Valerie Hobbs.
Maria practices a large range of acupuncture techniques including Japanese, Traditional Chinese, Chinese Herbal Medicine, trigger point therapy, sports acupuncuture and auricular (ear acupuncture). Her techniques also include adjunct therapies such as cupping, bodywork techniques: shiatsu and tuina, gwasha, moxibustion and Chinese Nutrition. With this multitude of techniques and modalities, Maria is able to create an effective, holistic treatment focused on each individual patient’s needs.
Maria uses Chinese Herbs to supplement her treatments. Customization of herbal formulas are used to treat the specific pattern and constitution of each patient’s condition. Maria’s work and studies at Great Wave Herbal Pharmacy greatly added to her herbal education and skills.
Maria enjoys exploring the beauty of the state on foot and in a canoe. Maria and her husband relish in taking frequent trips to the boundary waters and lakes around the state.